We emphasize investigative journalism and fact-based reporting, ensuring that all information disseminated is accurate and reliable.
Our content strategy is inclusive and diverse, aiming to represent a wide spectrum of voices and stories.
We constantly adapt to the changing media landscape, leveraging the latest technologies and platforms to reach our audience effectively.
Our Journey
In 2012, Goobjoog Media Group (GMG) was founded with a clear vision: to become Somalia’s premier media house that would not only inform but also empower and unite. We began as a modest operation, keen on filling the gap in credible and balanced journalism in Somalia. Our initial foray into the media landscape was marked by the launch of Goobjoog News, a premier online news outlet in both Somali and English coverages, and Goobjoog FM, a radio station committed to providing “edutainment” – a blend of education and entertainment – and critical news to foster social engagement for a stable and prosperous Somali community.
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What we do
At Goobjoog Media Group, we hold a deep commitment to enhancing media freedom and independence.
Goobjoog Media Group is renowned for our creative excellence in producing engaging and memorable radio and TV commercials.
Our Initiatives
Cosob Initiative, launched by Goobjoog Media Group in Somalia, is a transformative environmental awareness campaign designed to address and highlight the urgent environmental challenges facing Somalia.
Goobjoog Talks is a pioneering initiative by Goobjoog Media Group, aimed at fostering open dialogue and debate on critical national issues in Somalia
Goobjoog FactCheck is an essential initiative by Goobjoog Media Group, focusing on verifying information and debunking misinformation in the Somali media landscape